Friday, October 31, 2014

Blog 9: What Good Schools Look Like

When I think of what a good school looks, I think of a school building that is well-maintained from the outside, with flowers and a welcoming school sign. I personally don't really care of the location, it could be in the middle of a low poverty city or high class development, the only thing that really matters is the education, and what the students take away from it. Inside the classrooms, I want the desk set up in 4 rows of six, a total or 24 desk in the classrooms. I believe in a small classroom setting that way the teacher is able to make sure every student knows the content and can have one on one meetings if necessary.
  Each Wednesday, classes will be shorten so that each student takes a mandatory 45 minutes out of their day to go to the classroom(s) that he or she has make-up work in or their lowest grade of all their classes, to get extra help. As I said before, the classrooms will be small so the students will be sure to get help from the teacher along with staying on top of their school work.
  When it comes to dress code, I have no preference. I feel like each student should be able to feel comfortable in whatever they want to wear, although I will not allow any students to wear shorts that do not fully cover their bottom half, shirts that show too much of their top or belly shirts.
 I do believe in a no cell phone policy in the classroom, UNLESS recommended by a teacher. Each classroom you walk into, I think their should be a bucket for the students to put a their phones in, and they will be them back at the end of the class. In order for a student to learn effectually, there must be no distractions, and in my opinion phones do distract a student from learning, and takes away the respect for the teacher because they aren't giving the teacher their undivided attention. I do understand that sometimes you get done with class early, or do projects that involve your phone, which is understandable.
  Energy and a positive attitude is what students feed off of. If all the teachers have a positive attitude towards the learning then so will the students. I would cancel the whole teacher tenure idea and try to do what Michelle Rhee did and give the teachers a chance to have increase their pay by being an effective teacher or keep the same pay and no make progress in the students. By doing this, I think that the students education will be more productive because we will get rid of the teacher who believes in the "I get paid whether you learn or not" method, which is what we want!

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